The Daughter of Flames Chronicles

Book Series Trailer

All books are available in Paperback, Hard Cover, and as eBook.

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A New Name

Book 1

Ayanagou grows up thinking she is human, but then discovers she has wings growing on her back and a power she has yet to discover.

In a world driven by war, she finds herself chased by the Black Dragon, ruler of the Dragon Empire.   Ayanagou has yet to find out why.  Her quest to find who she truly is will bring her far beyond she imagined.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1440432620
Hard Cover ISBN: 979-8843652227

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Becoming Phoenix

Book 2

A Queen who will do anything for Power... A young woman who doesn’t know the power she holds... On one side a Quest for power, on the other a quest for self discovery. Who will reach their goal first?  Who will live and who will die?

After learning her true identity, Tyal begins to accept her destiny and walks the path of the hero for the first time.  Find out at what cost will Tyal follow her destiny.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1440435997
Hard Cover ISBN: 979-8844215292

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Rise to Power

Book 3

Tyal is determined to thwart the Black Dragon’s plan to acquire the Kaï and gain ultimate power.  In a race against time, who will gain an advantage over whom?  Who will succeed and who will fail?

But as Tyal proceeds with her quest, some of her friends leave her to resolve personal issues of their own.  Watching her circle diminish, Tyal is torn between attempting to reach the Kaï first and calling on the people to rise up in war against the Black Dragon.  Find out what will Tyal choose.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1441409737
Hard Cover ISBN: 979-8844308758

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Legends Return

Magic was her lifeblood, and when it disappeared, so did she. Then something many had stopped believing in, happened, and Magic suddenly became real once again. But it did not only bring back Tyal and her friends. Something else came back with them. Something dark, forgotten millennia ago. But the evil sorceress would be the least of their worries.

Release Date: Summer 2023

Books 4 & 5 Coming in 2024-2025

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